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Trinity Logistics Named to Inc. 5000 List and Food Logistics’ Top 3PL & Cold Storage Provider List
Trinity Logistics, a 3PL (third party logistics) provider headquartered in Seaford, DE, was named to two important lists last week: the 2014 Top 3PL and Cold Storage Provider list, published by Food Logistics magazine, and the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing privately-owned businesses in America.
How Transportation Management Software Helps Reduce Total Expenses
Transportation management software is often thought of as a tool to help shipping departments select the lowest cost carrier. Other times, it’s looked upon for consolidating shipments or enhancing the way a shipment is being routed. While these are definite features, a TMS also provides opportunities for savings in both soft and hard costs that create far-reaching benefits for your entire company, not just the transportation department. The TMS has a dramatic positive effect on the profitability of all departments. Let’s take a look at how.
When Your LTL Freight Needs To Move Fast: Guaranteed and Expedited LTL Shipping
In the LTL world, there are many ways to guarantee your freight moves quickly. Each LTL carrier has their own set of options (and rules for those options). In general, you have two options – schedule an expedited LTL shipment (which moves faster than a standard LTL shipment) or a guaranteed LTL shipment (which comes with a guaranteed delivery date and time, and if they aren’t met, the cost of your shipment may be refunded, depending on the carrier.) Learn about the ins and outs of shipping guaranteed or expedited LTL shipments.
Guest Blog: Understanding the Metrics of LTL Capacity
Scott Harrison, Manager of Sales, Support and Development at Southeastern Freight Lines, shares the three metrics that have an impact on LTL carrier capacity.
Freight Shipping Companies: What's the Difference Between Asset Based and Non-Asset Based?
The debate about which kind of provider is “better” – asset based or non-asset based – has been ongoing for years. Some argue that they’ll only work with asset based carriers, others swear by sourcing everything to a single 3PL, and a good amount of companies work with a mix of both kinds of providers. When you’re trying to decide which type of provider is a good fit for your business, weighing the pros and cons can be difficult when you haven’t had the experience of working with both. Check out the pros of working with a non-asset based provider in this blog.
Top 5 Worst Weather Incidents in Shipping & Logistics
In the world of transportation and logistics, sometimes all it takes is a minor curveball for something to go majorly wrong. One of the most common and devastating arenas where curveballs happen is the world of weather. From hurricanes to blizzards, and tornadoes to floods – when a severe weather incident strikes, it strikes hard. Let’s take a look at the top five worst weather incidents of all time.
Refrigerated Intermodal Shipping: A High-Tech, Money-Saving, Up-and-Coming Alternative
Shipping temperature-controlled freight can be a very nervewracking experience. Whether you’re shipping ice cream that could disastrously melt, or beer that might freeze in transit, the risks are higher than a regular truckload shipment because your product is more vulnerable. For a long time, the go-to for shipping refrigerated freight has been, of course, reefer truckload. But did you know that there’s an alternative that is often cheaper and more reliable? Shipping your temp-controlled freight over the rail with refrigerated intermodal is quickly becoming an extremely popular trend.
Supply Chain Innovation: Is Your Knowledge Working Against You?
Is your supply chain as simple and efficient as it can be, custom-built to address the challenges and business needs that your company, your suppliers and your customers face today? If your supply chain is not as smart as it could be, the only thing holding it back from innovation might just be all of your knowledge and experience. You’re probably thinking… “Huh? How could that be?” Read on to find out why.
Intermodal Shipping: A Solution for Sustainability
When your company’s business depends on shipping freight, it’s easy to feel like you have no choice but to negatively impact the environment, due to the inevitable fuel consumption and carbon emissions of the trucking industry. However, many companies either are not aware of, or do not consider, a valuable alternative to truckload shipping that cuts down on these impacts significantly: intermodal shipping (over the rail).