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Dimensional Pricing for Less-Than-Truckload: Coming to an LTL Carrier Near You
New changes are coming in the LTL shipping world. Over the next year, you may need to prepare to say goodbye to LTL rates based on freight class. Dimensional pricing is the future, for better or worse, and we’ve got all the details you need to know.
Top 4 Intermodal Shipping Myths: Busted
There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about intermodal shipping, especially compared to other modes of transportation. Shipping over the rail is definitely worth your consideration, so we’re going to set the record straight on some of these intermodal myths. Have you discounted the idea of intermodal shipping because of one of these misunderstandings?
Women in Trucking: A Story of Perseverance
Over the past year, women have been the talk of the trucking industry. The numbers of female truck drivers are on the rise, and the challenges that come along with being a woman in the industry are becoming better known. We spoke to some women in trucking to get a clearer picture of the current situation.
U.S. Opens Borders to Mexican Carriers
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently announced it will allow Mexican carriers to apply for permission to conduct long-haul, cross-border trucking services in the United States.
Top 10 Winter Driving Tips for Truckers
As winter weather sets in for most of the country, you should take precautions to keep not only you and your truck safe, but also others on the road. We’ve put together ten useful tips to help you get your loads delivered safely this winter.
West Coast Port Congestion Could Delay Your Intermodal Shipments
You may have heard on the news recently that West Coast ports have been clogged, delaying the importation of international goods. This is having an effect on both intermodal and truckload shipping. Here’s the lowdown on the problem and how it could affect you.
Now Might Be the Time to Consider Just in Time Delivery
Having a ton of unused inventory can really take a chunk out of your warehousing space and your budget. The Just in Time (JIT) supply chain model can be a viable solution to these problems. Here’s how JIT can streamline your inbound and outbound logistics to match your manufacturing pace and cut your storage costs.
Big Pay Raises for Truckers Mean Higher Rates for Shippers
Due to the driver shortage, truckers’ wages are going up. This leaves shippers wondering how this may affect their bottom line. Learn about the reasons for rising rates and how you can avoid them.
Five Simple Ways to Save Money When Shipping LTL (Less-Than-Truckload) Freight
When you get a rate for an LTL shipment, the cost is influenced by so many different factors that it’s actually pretty easy to make some simple changes and see your LTL shipping costs go down. While these tips may not be possible for everyone to implement, you’ll likely find at least one or two of them are relevant to your situation!