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Transportation Management Software: The Missing Piece to Your Puzzle
Have you heard the saying “there’s always room for improvement?” That’s exactly right when you’re looking for a solution to better your supply chain processes. Implementing transportation management software (TMS) could be the missing piece to your puzzle when trying to control costs, catch and resolve transportation discrepancies, and create in-depth reports. This software can help you analyze valuable transportation metrics while keeping supply chain communication as transparent as possible.
The History of Intermodal Shipping
If you have been around the transportation industry for any length of time, you have likely seen a lot of change. It’s intriguing to look back at the history of intermodal logistics and how the process has evolved. We’re going to examine three aspects in particular – ramp operations, equipment, and technology, comparing the 60s and 70s to the present day.
Five Things to Remember When Shipping to Mexico
As the seasons change, so do the origins of the everyday products we purchase. Now is the time to brush up on the basics of getting some of those items across the U.S. border and to their final destinations. Continuing reading for the top five things to remember when shipping items in and out of Mexico.
Heart Healthy Facts for Drivers
According to the American Heart Association every American has at least one risk factor for heart disease. Are you willing to take these risks? Learn the symptoms and uncommon factors of heart disease.
Five Reasons You Should Be Shipping Intermodal
Many businesses immediately brush off the idea of rail shipments without much consideration, but often this decision is based on outdated knowledge and a misunderstanding of the industry. By not checking out this option, you could be seriously missing out! Below, we’ve detailed (short and sweet) the top five reasons you should be considering intermodal shipping.
Are Claims Giving You A Headache?
Ah, claims… a nightmare for both shippers and carriers. If you’ve never had to deal with one, consider yourself lucky! A claim is a request (or, if it comes down to it, a demand) for a carrier to pay for the loss of freight. This loss could come in a number of ways. There could be an unexplained shortage… the driver could get in an accident, causing damage to the shipment… the load could be stolen… the list goes on and on. Sometimes, if a carrier refuses to pay for a claim, the shipper will have to take legal action.
Taking Analysis One Step Further with Customized Reporting
Are you utilizing a TMS (transportation management system) to streamline your supply chain, automate manual processes, and reduce your freight spend? It’s a time and money saver! If you have experience managing your company’s supply chain, you’re probably aware of the many benefits a TMS has to offer, even if you’re not currently using one.
Shippers and Logistics Providers: A Great Team
What can you expect out of a 3PL relationship? Learn what to consider when working with one or more logistics service providers.
Six Easy Ways to Cut Costs on Truckload Freight
Whether you’re utilizing Trinity’s services to arrange your truckload shipments or working with carriers to cover your freight on your own, there are six easy steps you can take and preventative actions you can carry out in order to save a little bit of money on your shipments.