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Freight Rate Fright!

Freight Rate Fright!

With today’s fuel prices, industry-wide capacity crunch, and steadily increasing safety regulations, it’s no wonder many shippers are beginning to feel a sense of fright, or dread, when gathering freight rates. It’s important to look beneath the surface of actual cargo shipping charges when estimating your total shipping costs.

Truckers are Superheroes: Fighting Crime on the Clock

Truckers are Superheroes: Fighting Crime on the Clock

There are over 2 million licensed truck drivers across the nation. With truckers on the road—in fact, they’re on pretty much every road—every single day, they have a huge presence on our highways. This puts them in a very powerful position. Passing thousands of cars each day and spending their rest time at truck stops, truckers frequently witness criminal activity, whether it’s illegal drug use, drug trafficking, drivers under the influence, or—the most troubling—human trafficking…

Is your 3PL an extension of your staff?

Is your 3PL an extension of your staff?

Productive partnerships are not made of passive involvement from outsiders looking in. Is your organization already stretched trying to maintain revenues and exercise tighter business controls? Does your logistics provider treat your concerns too casually? Here’s some food for thought:

The Case for Rail…how it all works

The Case for Rail…how it all works

“Intermodal,” in the broad sense, includes virtually all forms of transportation, but by rail shipments on the rail is one mode that offers the most benefits when time and “touch” are not essential requirements for your delivery. Touch, meaning how many times your shipment is physically handled en route.

Tips to Avoid Unforeseen LTL Charges

Tips to Avoid Unforeseen LTL Charges

Over the last few weeks, LTL (Less Than Truckload) carriers have begun announcing general rate increases. Fortunately, there will be virtually no impact to Trinity customers from LTL carriers taking general rate increases. See why!

Ten Questions for Interviewing Freight Brokers; A Shipper's Perspective

Ten Questions for Interviewing Freight Brokers; A Shipper's Perspective

As Americans look hopefully to the future, battle weary from the recession, companies are seeking ways to find cost savings in order to combat the erosion of profit margins. More and more, companies are dissecting their expense reports in order to discover hidden profits within their logistics expense. One method being employed to trim the amounts spent along the supply chain is to build a relationship with a freight broker, commonly referred to as “3PL”, or “Third-Party Logistics” suppliers.

How to Choose the Best Intermodal Transportation Provider

How to Choose the Best Intermodal Transportation Provider

This is a question that many customers ponder on a daily and weekly basis. If you are a shipper or manufacturer utilizing intermodal (rail shipments) as a means of moving your freight, no doubt you already have a list of items that you consider when selecting the “best” intermodal logistics provider. Humor me and please keep reading anyway, I may possibly add one or two items that you haven’t considered in the past.

Trinity Launches New Customized Logistics Division

Trinity Launches New Customized Logistics Division

Trinity Transport, Inc., a third-party logistics supplier of transportation solutions, announced a new service division to serve shippers in various industries from retail to manufacturing.

Trinity Joins Responsible Care

Trinity Joins Responsible Care

Trinity Transport, Inc. has earned membership into the Responsible Care Initiative sponsored by the American Chemistry Council by demonstrating their commitment to upholding the principles and practices in accordance with the organization’s mission for safe practices. Responsible Care is the chemical industry’s initiative that demonstrates the industry’s commitment to continuous improvements in health, safety, and environmental performance. Trinity Transport is committed to the safe handling and transportation of chemical shipments.